Monday, August 29, 2011

Twas a Great Fate!

Hello! So recently I got to experience my first village fate, ok so it's spelled fete, but you pronouce it "fate"! What on earth is a village fete you may ask? Well, wikipedia says that they " are usually outdoor shows held on village greens or recreation grounds with a variety of activities and are organised by an ad hoc committee of volunteers from organizations such as residents associations". Yup. That's pretty much what it is. I snapped a few pictures to give you a bettter idea.
This little boy is about to get a balloon sword.

Tombola was a big hit. Apparently this is a very common game to have in a village fete. You pay a quid for 3 tickets which you draw out of a big bag. If any of your tickets have numbers that corrospond with the numbers on the bottles you win it! There were bottles of wine, liquer, beer, juice, soap, etc.
This was also a common game. I guess it's a cousin game of whack-a-mole. It's pretty self explanitory. The dude in the funny hat shoves a bean-bag rat down the pipe and you are supposed to splat it when it pops out. Sounds easy, but it when watching it you can tell it would be tricky.
There were also vege and baking competitions! This reminded me of the Kent County Expo back home in New Brunswick. There were many different catagories from scones, to onions, to flower arrangments. This one shown above was the winner and oddly enough the entry name was Mr. Tom Long. Tehe.
There was also a dog show going on. I noticed lots of pairs of dogs walking around which lead me to belive there must have been a couples competition. Not sure if thats what this pair were going for or not....
Anyways, thats all I have for now... I know, not very exciting. Hopefully I will have more news after this weekend. I am making a trip back to Bath!! I am also heading to Cheltenham to see about possibly moving there. So hopefully I will have some exciting news/pics for the next post.
Here's on last one of the Fete. There is a classic ice cream van in this shot. They have them everywhere here! And they actually play that funny ice cream van music and drive around neighbourhoods. Tehehe.


  1. Oh Wendy, how fun...looks like they are enjoying the simplier things in life at this 'fete'. Good to hear your news.

  2. Love your blog. Was there a cost to get into the fete? Years and years ago,Rexton had an annual Village picnic and the booths or games were pretty simple ones too. Bingo was a major game. We used dried beans for markers. My Mom and Dad were in charge of the hotdog booth. I think they were 25 cents each. Poohie
